Game of Life Theory

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What is Game of Life theory?

The Game of Life Theory proposed by Hiroyuki Miyazaki offers a fascinating perspective on the purpose of our existence.

According to this theory, we're not here by accident; we're here for a reason.
Before we were born, we carefully planned our lives, including the people we would meet and the events we would experience, all in service of fulfilling our unique purpose.

But here's the thing: we don't remember any of it.
We enter this world with a clean slate, relying solely on our free will to navigate our path.

The good news is that the Game of Life Theory can help us unlock the secrets of our past and make sense of the mysteries of our present.

Think of human life as a grand role-playing game. You're the main character, and it's up to you to make the right choices and develop your character to achieve your goals.

This theory can help you conquer your fears, effectively address life situations, and create a life filled with joy and fulfillment.

If you're curious to learn more about the Game of Life Theory, I invite you to explore it further by reading the book written by Hiroyuki Miyazaki - "Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life," or join his workshop series Discover Your Phoenix 1-4.

Who knows? It may just change the way you view the world and your place in it.

Accidental or PrePlanned?

In life, there are some important events or important meetings that make profound impacts on the course of our lives.

  • For Helen Keller, the meeting with Anne Sullivan changed her life completely. 
  • Paul McCartney met John Lennon and formed the most successful songwriting partnership in history. 
  • With his partnership with Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak invented the Apple I computer. 
  • For Anthony Robbins, his adversity of living on his own at the age of seventeen led him to Jim Rohn, who gave him a chance to learn, grow, and make an impact on others’ lives. 

These people made (and are still making) profound impacts on the lives of others, and they each had some chance encounters that seem to have happened accidentally on the surface but were so essential for their contributions to the world.

The big question is: 
Were they just lucky to have those events and meetings that guided them to their life path?
Or, were all those events predestined to happen? 

Roadmap - 7 Stages

The Game of Life Theory offers a unique perspective on the challenges we face in life, and it provides a roadmap for personal growth and transformation. The theory outlines seven stages, each with its unique set of challenges and opportunities for growth. By understanding these stages and working through them, you can increase your happiness, creativity, and overall quality of life.

The first stage, emotional independence, involves overcoming emotional dependency and taking control of your emotional life. This is essential for activating creativity and experiencing peace of mind and happiness every day.

The second stage, being present, involves learning from past challenges and failures and letting go of painful emotions. This allows you to live fully in the present moment and regain confidence and capacity.

The third stage, social acceptance, involves overcoming negative feelings triggered by social rejection and liberating yourself from the prison of social pressures. This allows you to activate your creativity and transform into a leader who introduces a new way of life to society.

The fourth stage, collaboration, involves overcoming the fears associated with competition and redirecting your life toward a higher purpose. By bringing out the highest possible expression of yourself and others, you can participate in competition with a collaborative mindset.

The fifth stage, abundance, involves embracing a mindset of abundance and experiencing joy at every moment by seeing high qualities in everyone and everything.

The sixth stage, authenticity, involves following your heart's desires and living your mission in life. This is a journey toward authenticity that shakes your belief system and triggers fears but ultimately leads to metamorphosis and helps you flourish into an authentic being.

The final stage, Phoenix (transcendence), involves gaining clarity on what you really want in life and how you can be of the best possible service to others. This ignites your passion to invest in something greater than yourself and activates your highest gifts, talents, and capacity to fulfill your missions, resulting in the utmost joy and fulfillment.

Overall, the Game of Life Theory offers a comprehensive framework for personal growth and transformation, and it can help you navigate the challenges of life with greater ease and effectiveness.

There are common themes of challenges & growths that everyone goes through in life, categorized into seven stages.

Stage 1. Emotional Independence

By overcoming emotional dependency, you can take full control of your emotional life and experience peace of mind and happiness every day, which is essential for activating creativity.

Stage 2. Being Present

Challenges in the past are not meant to disempower you; they are meant to teach you something and help you grow. The painful emotions are a reminder for you to retrieve the lessons and let go of the past so you can live fully in the present moment.

Stage 3. Social Acceptance

Feelings caused by social pressures hinder your ability to change the status quo for the better and put you in a victim mentality. By overcoming these feelings, you can liberate yourself from the prison of social pressures, activate your creativity, and transform into a leader who introduces a new way of life to society.

Stage 4. Collaboration

As you conquer the fears and release the desire for significance and superiority, you will be able to participate in competition with a totally different energy. Your intention will be to increase your level of excellence in an effort to bring out the best version of you. With this mindset, a competition becomes a collaborative effort to bring out the highest possible expression of everyone involved.

Stage 5. Abundance

By seeing high qualities in everyone and everything, including yourself, you can experience joy at every moment and attract people and things with the same high-quality energy.

Stage 6. Authenticity 

In life, you’ll be met with a crossroad where you’ll need to make a choice between diverting to a new path or staying on the same one. The new path is a journey toward authenticity, to connect with your heart’s desires and live your mission of life. 

Stage 7. Phoenix (Transcendence)

As you follow your heart and live as an authentic being, you will gain clarity on what you really want in life and how you can be of the best possible service to others, which will ignite your passion to invest in something greater than yourself

Discover Your Phoenix in the Game of Life

Authored by Hiroyuki "Hiro" Miyazaki
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Expand your awareness by going into a journey of “Game of Life”, retrieve realizations from your life challenges, and discover your Phoenix that fuels you with a deep sense of purpose that burns brightly with the fire of your passion.

This books also describes how PhoenixBlessing™ technique was discovered as well as dozens of real-life examples of transformational healings.
Write your awesome label here.


Discover Your Phoenix Series
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Discover Your Phoenix 1

A personal development program to activate your highest potential for success in life and business based on Game of Life theory. 
In Discover Your Phoenix 1, we work on Stage 1 and 2 of Game of Life 7 Stages.

Discover Your Phoenix 2

A personal development program to activate your highest potential for success in life and business based on Game of Life theory. 
In Discover Your Phoenix 2, we work on Stage 3 and 4 of Game of Life 7 Stages.

Discover Your Phoenix 3
(to be developed)

A personal development program to activate your highest potential for success in life and business based on Game of Life theory. 
In Discover Your Phoenix 3, we work on Stage 5 and 6 of Game of Life 7 Stages.

Discover Your Phoenix 4
(to be developed)

A personal development program to activate your highest potential for success in life and business based on Game of Life theory. 
In Discover Your Phoenix 4, we work on Stage 7 Game of Life 7 Stages and beyond.


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