Dark Night of the Soul 2024 May 24-26

  • Author: Hiroyuki Miyazaki
  • Study time: 6 hours
Course overview
Discover the transformative power of spiritual growth with our comprehensive workshop. Uncover the secrets to overcoming life’s toughest emotional challenges, including the ‘Dark Night of the Soul,’ and learn to activate your highest potential. Our expert guidance will help you achieve emotional independence, embrace oneness, and realize your worthiness. Join us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the joy and fulfillment that awaits within.

May 24-26, 2024

LA 6am, Mexico 7am, Sao Paulo 10am, New York 9am, London 2pm, Central Europe 3pm, Istanbul 4pm, Tehran 4:30pm, Dubai 5pm, Kyiv 4pm, Moscow 4pm, Almaty 6pm, Irkutsk 9pm, Taipei 9pm, Tokyo 10pm

Payment Plan available in 3-month o 6-month period.
Click "Enroll" above to find out!
  • Zoom time: 6 hours

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed by Life’s Challenges?

Are you struggling with persistent negative emotions that seem to shadow every step? You may be experiencing what’s known as the “Dark Night of the Soul.

But fear not. This challenging time is not just a phase to endure—it’s a transformative opportunity. It’s your invitation to journey through the darkness and emerge into light, with a newfound sense of purpose and a deeper joy in life.

Embrace the Opportunity: This course is your guide to navigating these turbulent emotions. With expert-led sessions and proven techniques, you’ll learn to work through your feelings, identify your life’s true meaning, and unlock a level of happiness you’ve never known before.

Take the First Step: Join us on this profound journey to turn your darkest moments into your greatest achievements.
Feeling stuck? Can't get away from negative emotions?
It's not a challenge. It's a great opportunity!
You can become so much happier!

Navigating Through the Dark Night of the Soul

Are you feeling ensnared by negative emotions, unable to find your way forward? You’re not alone. Our deepest fears can plunge us into a period of profound emotional turmoil, a universal human experience known as the “Dark Night of the Soul.”

This term, steeped in spiritual tradition, describes a collapse of life’s perceived meaning—a time when nothing seems to matter, and hope feels lost. It’s a phase where the egoic self undergoes a metaphorical death, leading to a rebirth of consciousness.
  • Biggest fear
  • Anger, resentment
  • Helpless, Powerless, Hopeless
  • Loneliness
  • Sadness, sorrow, regrets
  • lack of meaning in life
Yet, this is not an end but a beginning: The “Dark Night of the Soul” is a transformative opportunity, a crucible for growth. It’s a call to face your fears, work through your emotions, and emerge with a stronger, more authentic self.

A Journey of Self-Discovery: This course is your compass through the darkness. It offers guidance and support as you seek to understand your life’s purpose, align with your core values, and find lasting happiness. It’s a path to spiritual awakening, where you’ll learn to let go of old identities and embrace a life of greater meaning.

Your Guide to Transformation: Let us accompany you on this transformative journey. Together, we’ll navigate the challenges and celebrate the victories as you step into a life filled with light and purpose.

Inner Transformation Awaits You

Navigating through life’s challenges can leave you feeling trapped in a cycle of negative emotions—a phase often referred to as the “Dark Night of the Soul.” It’s a daunting experience, but it’s also a profound call to growth and self-discovery.

Emotional Management
Emotional Healing
Vision for the future

Introducing the Dark Night of the Soul Course: We’ve crafted a transformative journey designed to guide you through this spiritual rite of passage. Our course is tailored to help you confront and overcome the emotional hurdles that accompany this stage, revealing the hidden gifts of resilience and wisdom within.

Your Path to Enlightenment: Engage in guided meditations, reflective exercises, and one-on-one coaching sessions that will empower you to face your deepest fears, heal from past traumas, and unlock your untapped potential.

Emerge with Clarity and Strength: As you progress through the course, you’ll gain a clear vision of your life’s purpose and the resilience to pursue it. Step into the next chapter of your spiritual journey with confidence and a renewed sense of self.

Begin Your Journey to Self-Mastery: Don’t let the Dark Night of the Soul define you. Embrace this opportunity to transform and evolve. Join our course and embark on the path to becoming your greatest self.

Attention Control

Developing the ability to consciously control one’s attention to manage emotions and focus on positive aspects of life.

Spiritual Growth

Addressing the primary spiritual lessons of Emotional Independence, Oneness, Worthiness, and Going with the Flow by healing emotional pain and incorporating new beliefs.

Activating the Highest

Directing liberated energy towards a vision that brings out the highest version of oneself, through exercises like identifying core values and visioning.

Class Overview


May 24-26, 2024
2 hours each day for 3 days, total 6 hours.

Time to Meet

LA 6am, Mexico 7am, Sao Paulo 10am, New York 9am, London 2pm, Central Europe 3pm, Istanbul 4pm, Tehran 4:30pm, Dubai 5pm, Kyiv 4pm, Moscow 4pm, Almaty 6pm, Irkutsk 9pm, Taipei 9pm, Tokyo 10pm


Online (Zoom)


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Investment (Price)


  • Second-timer discount available. Please inquire us or contact our official organizers.
  • Payment plan available (3-month and 6-month period.)


Class recording will be available to watch after the class for three month except for unexpected technical disruption during the class (such as Zoom failure, network outage, etc.)


Certificate of Completion
(Live attendance to the class is required in order to receive a certificate of completion)


Original English
Translation in Spanish, Russian and Chinese

Course Lessons

Voices & Feedbacks

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Empty space, drag to resize
Big and magical feelings
I want to thank you for these three days, I’m so happy and feel peace now.
All the meditations you lead us in the class really helps me a lot.
On the third day, I had a very big and magical feelings that I never experienced before.

And I would like to share with you. I felt the instant healing and release from my body,
and the feeling was so strong and it make me surprised.
When we did the meditation for belief of "I’m not good enough", at first I felt a big release from my left breast.

In the second meditation, I suddenly felt the helpless feeling in my legs,
and I suddenly felt that an intense pressure was released from my legs.
Then, I felt grounded after the healing.

I found the reason why I had a healthy issue last year about my leg.
I never had such quick and instant feeling. This made me so excited, "WOW, through meditation I can actually healed my body."

The feeling was so strong.
Thank you for sharing this meditation to us to the world.

Bell Lin
Webinar Recording

Experience Healing meditation!

Write your awesome label here.
Meet the instructor

Hiroyuki Miyazaki

Hiroyuki “Hiro” Miyazaki is an internationally acclaimed inspirational speaker, healing teacher, coach, consultant, and best-selling author. His dynamic and engaging presentations have empowered thousands of people worldwide to unleash their inner potential and live their best lives.

Hiro is the creator of PhoenixBlessing™, a revolutionary emotional healing technique that has helped individuals overcome even the toughest emotional challenges brought on by the Dark Night of the Soul. His expertise in spiritual healing, meditation, and self-development has been featured in numerous media outlets and has earned him a reputation as a trusted guide for personal growth and transformation.

Whether he is speaking on stage or working one-on-one with clients, Hiro’s compassionate and intuitive approach creates a supportive and uplifting environment that inspires deep healing and lasting change.
He is certified as a SIY (Mindfulness program) Teacher, a Spiritual Intelligence (SQ21) coach, a ThetaHealing® Science Instructor/Practitioner, a QHHT(hypnotherapy) practitioner, and a Reiki master.

Patrick Jones - Course author

Dark Night of the Soul 2024 May 24-26

  • Author: Hiroyuki Miyazaki
  • Study time: 6 hours
Course overview
Discover the transformative power of spiritual growth with our comprehensive workshop. Uncover the secrets to overcoming life’s toughest emotional challenges, including the ‘Dark Night of the Soul,’ and learn to activate your highest potential. Our expert guidance will help you achieve emotional independence, embrace oneness, and realize your worthiness. Join us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and unlock the joy and fulfillment that awaits within.

May 24-26, 2024

LA 6am, Mexico 7am, Sao Paulo 10am, New York 9am, London 2pm, Central Europe 3pm, Istanbul 4pm, Tehran 4:30pm, Dubai 5pm, Kyiv 4pm, Moscow 4pm, Almaty 6pm, Irkutsk 9pm, Taipei 9pm, Tokyo 10pm

Payment Plan available in 3-month o 6-month period.
Click "Enroll" above to find out!
  • Zoom time: 6 hours
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