Certificate Form for Money & Happiness

On this page, you can make a certificate for your student in your Money & Happiness class.

  • This page is for Money & Happiness Instructor only.
  • You have to login to this website in order to use the form.
Write your awesome label here.

What's this form?

This is a form for Money & Happiness instructors to make certificate for Money & Happiness class participants. 
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What happens?

  • Enroll the student to the Money & Happiness course on this website
  • Give student access to the course page
  • Make a certificate for the student 
  • Email a certificate to the instructor 
  • Add the student to PhoenixBlessing mailing list
  • What to do?

    Enter student information 

    Answer the questions in the form for each participant and click "Submit".

    Receive email

    You will receive an email from "airSlate (noreply@airslate.com)" with a certificate in PDF format filled with the information you entered. This usually takes about 30 minutes.

    Confirm information

    Confirm the information in the certificate. If you something needs to be changed, enter a new response to this form again.

    Give to participant

    If everything is good in the certificate, give it to the participant via email or printed.
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