PhoenixBlessing - Vision 2023

How do you want to shape your life in 2023?
In 12-year cycle of animal zodiac signs, 2023 is the year of rabbit, which means a big jump, the year of beginning and hope, and the year that impossible becomes possible.
To take this opportunity, you need clear intension of what you want to create in 2023 and take action to trigger positive momentum in your life, instead of becoming a victim of global momentum at the level of country and the planet. 
Therefore, I would like us to get together and utilize the power of group consciousness to:
- Heal ourselves.
- Send healing to people and things that you care
- Create a vision for 2023.
- Identify immediate action to trigger snowball effect.
Let's jump start the new year, empower yourself to take a leap of faith, and make 2023 the best and glorious for you!!
Write your awesome label here.
Write your awesome label here.

January 10th, 2022

LA 6am, Mexico 8am, Sao Paulo 11am, Kyiv 4pm, Moscow 5pm, Almaty 8pm, Irkutsk 10pm, Taipei 10pm, Tokyo 11pm


English with translation in Spanish, Russian, and Chinese

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    Meet the instructor

    Hiroyuki Miyazaki

    Hiroyuki “Hiro” Miyazaki is a published author and a sought-after inspirational speaker, healing teacher, coach, and consultant.

    He is the creator of Phoenix Blessing™, the emotional healing technique that was invented to heal the toughest emotional challenges brought forth by the Dark Night of the Soul.

    He was certified as a SIY (Mindfulness program) Teacher, a Spiritual Intelligence (SQ21) coach, a ThetaHealing® Science Instructor/Practitioner, a QHHT(hypnotherapy) practitioner, and a Reiki master.
    Patrick Jones - Course author
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